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Using a High-Pressure Homogenizer? Produce Superior Nanoemulsions with All-In-One NanoStabilizers®

Feb 12, 2025 7:00:00 AM / by ISM Team

using a high pressure homogenizerAll-In-One NanoStabilizers® have transformed the cannabis and nutraceutical industries by simplifying the creation of permanently stable, highly bioavailable nanoemulsions. These revolutionary products are designed to work with a wide range of poorly water-soluble bioactive ingredients, including full- and broad-spectrum oils, distillates, isolates, vitamins, essential oils, terpenes, alkaloids, and many more. Compatible with both high-pressure homogenizers (HPH) and ultrasonic processors, NanoStabilizers® ensure the industry’s smallest droplet sizes, superior stability, enhanced bioavailability, and rapid onset of action for your nano-formulations.

The Science Behind NanoStabilizers®

NanoStabilizers® are all-in-one, tasteless, food-grade blends of natural (LSO and LSTM) ingredients, designed to pair with high-shear equipment—such as high-pressure homogenizers and ultrasonic processors—to produce readily water-soluble liquid and powdered (LSO, LSTM) nanoemulsions from a wide range of bioactives. These "Science in a Jar" formulations provide elegant, simple, and cost-effective solutions, already enabling thousands of companies to create superior functional products with unmatched quality and performance. Industries benefiting from NanoStabilizers® currently include:

  • Pharmaceutical
  • Nutraceutical
  • Cosmetics
  • Food and beverage

Tips for Using NanoStabilizers® with HPH Systems 

  • Pre-mix Preparation: Combine your bioactive ingredient(s), NanoStabilizer®, and water, then pre-homogenize the mixture before processing through the HPH. Typically, a rotor-stator high-shear mixer is required for this step. Refer to your HPH manufacturer’s instructions for specific guidance.
  • Nano-emulsification: Process the pre-homogenized mixture as you would for a standard emulsion. Follow the recommended operating procedures outlined by your HPH manufacturer.
  • Temperature Control: Prevent overheating by using the cooling method recommended by your HPH manufacturer during processing.

Consider Upgrading to High-Amplitude Ultrasound

While high-pressure homogenizers provide excellent results with NanoStabilizers®, upgrading to an ultrasonic processor offers distinct advantages:

  • Simplified Processing: Skip the pre-homogenization step with a rotor-stator high-shear mixer; simple stirring is all that’s needed.
  • Reduced Maintenance Costs: Avoid costly repairs to critical components and sealing surfaces caused by dissolved gases and entrained air introduced during pre-homogenization.
  • Lower Energy Consumption: Ultrasonic systems use significantly less energy than HPH systems, reducing operational costs while delivering superior product quality.
  • Effortless Scalability: ISM’s high-amplitude ultrasonic processors ensure consistent results on lab, bench, and industrial scales, eliminating the need for re-optimization after scale-up.

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Get Started with a NanoStabilizer® Starter Kit

Try our Starter Kit, specially designed for high-pressure homogenizer users, and experience the benefits firsthand.

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Topics: Emulsion-based Products, Medical Cannabis, Food & Beverage

ISM Team

Written by ISM Team

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